Course: English 9 (Freshman), Literature analysis (reading and writing)
STUDENT INFORMATION: Students with special needs
M.P., a ninth grade student with autism and Cerebral Palsy.
· Identity: M.P. speaks English as his first language and he’s white.
· Developmental Needs
i. Readiness: He struggles with processing speed, working memory, illegible handwriting, and near-sightedness. M.P. reads above grade level.
ii. Interests: He loves reading. Morgan wishes he could read more in class. M.P. loves music, is an artist, hikes, and loves the outdoors.
iii. Learning Profile: M.P. is funny, but sometimes doesn’t know why. He made friends quickly after transferring from a different state. He actively participates and enjoys class, group, and paired conversations.
· Differentiation Strategies
i. Content/Readiness: Provide copy of notes and feedback. Allow him to correct his mistakes. Provide vocabulary with images and definitions.
ii. Process/Interest: Group M.P. with understanding and kind peers who understand his autism. Repeat instructions, give him extended time, and check for understanding.
iii. Product/Readiness: Check in to confirm understanding. Access to word processing software and computer.
K.C., a ninth grade student diagnosed with ADHD.
· Identity: K.C. speaks English as her first language, she’s white.
· Developmental Needs
i. Readiness: She reads at grade-level, but struggles with paying attention. She often looks off into space and takes longer than the other students to respond, transition, stay on task, and prepare for assignments.
· Interests: K.C. didn’t list any interests in any of the surveys, in class, or outside of class discussions. She does like to read.
· Learning Profile: K.C. has several friends in the class and likes working in groups where she says it’s easier for her to focus, concentrate, and get the work done. She is social, isn’t shy, and participates when called on.
· Differentiation Strategies
i. Content/Readiness: Check for understanding, check to make sure she’s prepared, slow down, and bring her back into the discussion by calling on her.
ii. Process/Interest: K.C. has preferential seating and I frequently check to make sure she’s on task and getting into and through the work, activities, and assignments. I have K.C. work in groups.
iii. Product/Readiness: Check in to confirm understanding and progress. Pair her with focused students. Review homework.
ASSESSMENT(S): Formative/progress monitoring
1. Students use vocabulary and technical language in context after defining meaning and connecting to prior knowledge.
2. Students apply their knowledge of language by listening, responding to, and debating over essential questions with responses, ideas and arguments structure in a sustained and logical fashion.
3. Students read aloud and read along with news articles.
4. Students apply their knowledge of language by reading articles and giving evidence of comprehension of those informational materials by accurately completing graphic organizers with clear and defensible positions with precise and relevant evidence, including facts, expert opinions, quotations, and expressions of commonly accepted beliefs and logical reasoning.
5. Students participate and respond individually and in pairs and groups.
6. Teacher continually monitors and checks for understanding.
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