Sunday, April 21, 2013

Student Study Team (SST) Reflection

In terms of TPE 6D, when I attended an SST meeting at my school site, it lead to my new understanding of roles and responsibilities of SST meeting members. 

The evidence of my learning is the below chart identifying the roles and responsibilities of those at an SST Meeting.

District Program Specialist
Facilitated the meeting, occasionally modified online, real-time notes, only interjecting to clarify.
Special Educator
Took notes while projecting them so everyone could see, suggested instructional strategies based on the student’s strengths.
Referring Math Teacher
Identified the student’s strengths, struggles, and instructional strategies that have been tried, suggested instructional strategies based on the student’s strengths.
English Teacher
Only came in to report how the student is doing in her class. The counselor left the room to sub in the English teacher’s classroom so the teacher could attend.
Mom (and Dad via conference call)
Shared student history and strategies that were successful and unsuccessful, interactions with family, future plans, suggested instructional strategies based on the student’s strengths.
Identified the student’s strengths, future plans, struggles, and instructional strategies that have been tried, suggested instructional strategies based on his strengths and interests.
Time keeper

When I attended an SST meeting at my school site, I understood the role I would play in SST meetings as a credentialed teacher of record. I also understood that every member plays an important part in to the SST meetings where the student’s educational and developmental needs are identified and a specific plan to meet those needs is developed with the key stakeholders in the student’s educational life. The student also takes personal responsibility by participating in the meeting.

What I still need to learn about SST Meetings is how to be the referring teacher who is responsible for collaborating with others to plan, teach, and assess students with special characteristics. I will identify a student from English 9 who could benefit from an SST. As the referring teacher, I would bring background information and be prepared to discuss the reason for the referral, strengths, known modifications, as well as the concerns. After identifying a student and participating as a referring teacher, I would better understand and be prepared to make a positive difference in a student’s educational and developmental success, which would help me be a better educator for all students, especially those with special needs and learning challenges.

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