I was surprised that about one quarter of the students in one of my English 9 classes, and nearly half of the freshman in the other class, self-identified as being poor readers who stated, “Sometimes I think kids younger than I am read better than I do.” However, this information is valuable and I appreciate the students’ honesty and reflection. I’m happy to have this information so that I can make informed choices when placing students into groups and partners. It will benefit the students who struggle to work alongside students whose responses include, “I believe I am a better reader than most other students in my grade,” and “I almost always get As and Bs in reading and English.”
Additionally, the open-ended questionnaire that accompanies the quiz gives me not only important contact information, but reflects the students' habits of mind, writing skills, personal lives, goals, ambitions, and interests to bring to life a more complete picture of the students.
In the future, I'll create a digital version of the questionnaire and quiz so that I can pull the data and make comparisons in more meaningful ways. The ability to sort and compile the data electronically allows for easier analysis of the student as part of the class and as an individual. Getting to know the students is an imporant part of the teacher role.
Who Are You and How Do You Feel About Reading?
Who Are You
Directions: Please write your responses to the below questions in the line provided. Then, move on to the below survey. Note: I will not share your answers with anyone without your permission.
Name__________________________Name you like to be
Date of birth_________________________ Place of birth________________________
Home phone________________________ Cell
Parents’/guardians’ cell phone______________________________________________
What language do you speak at
How do you get to school? ______________________How long does it
What do you do after school? ______________________________________________
What do you imagine yourself doing 10 years from
Do you like this subject? Why or why not?
What would you really like to learn about in this
What’s a fair amount of homework time to expect you to give to
this class?___________
Describe the way you learn things best_______________________________________
Is there anything that could make this class especially hard for
Can you think of a way I could help you with this struggle?
Is there anything else about you that you would like me to know?
How Do You Feel About Reading?
Directions: This
survey tells me how you feel about reading and books. Please answer as
honestly as you can by checking the term or terms, which tell me how you feel
about each statement.
r o n g l y A g r e e |
g r e e |
i s a g r e e |
t r o n g l y D i s a g r e e |
Library books are
Reading is a waste
of time.
Reading is one of my
I believe I am a
better reader than most other students in my grade.
Reading is almost
always boring.
Sometimes I think
kids younger than I am read better than I do.
I enjoy going to the
library for books.
I don’t have enough
time to read books.
I believe that I’m a
poor reader.
I would like to
belong to a book club.
Teachers want me to
read too much.
You can’t learn much
from reading.
Books can help you
understand other people.
I almost always get
As and Bs in reading and English.
I like to have time
to read in class.
Reading gets boring
after about ten minutes.
Sometimes I get Ds
and Fs in reading and English.
I like to read
before I go to bed.
This is a simple, yet very inclusive survey. I especially like that you asked them what they want to be called. That is one of the biggest mistakes we can make at the beginning of the year....calling someone by a name they don't like.